Closing the Gate (Melbourne Recording): Unique Japanese Acupuncture Strategies for Supporting the Treatment of Cancer

Presented by: Tsuyoshi Shimamura + Seishiro Hokazono (Interpreter) – Japanese/English Recorded Seminar

8 Hour Online Recorded Seminar – 8 Formal CPD Points 

CPD approved/pre-approved by AACMA | Acupuncture NZ | NZASA
Online: Recorded in Melbourne, Australia -July 2016
365 Days Access + Course Quiz + Downloadable CPD Certificate upon completion
AU$ 200.00 + $20 GST (GST Applicable on Orders from Australia Only)

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“These recorded seminars provide us with an opportunity to gain a solid direction with our treatments when Cancer patients seek our care. Not only will you learn valuable skills in treating Cancer patients, but you will gain an insight into strengthening the deepest reserves of the body in all your patients. An opportunity not to be missed.” – Peter Scarselletti | Director of Qiology

關元/Guan Yuan/CV 4/”Gate of Origin,” is a major place for supporting Qi in acupuncture theory

and practice, and has the alternate name of 丹田/Dan Tien/”Elixir Field”. From ancient times, this area

has been considered as a significant pivotal point in the body and is frequently the area of supreme focus

in Martial Arts and Internal Cultivation. It is very important how the Qi gathers appropriately in this area

of the body for the total health of each person on all levels.

In various forms of Japanese acupuncture the “Small Abdomen”- the section of the abdomen below the

level of the umbilicus – has been considered a valuable area of:

1. Constitutional Diagnosis

2. Constitutional Prognosis

3. Constitutional Treatment

Tsuyoshi Shimamura, during his years of study as a live-in apprentice under Master Nagano, and

throughout his many years of clinical practice has identified this area of the body as a vital diagnostic,

prognostic, and treatment zone used in all chronic degenerative illness, and an essential treatment area in all cases and stages of cancer, alongside his unique approach to constitutional treatment passed down to him by Master Nagano- Strengthening Stomach Qi.

Cancer is an emergent area of treatment in the modern acupuncture clinic, thus an important area of

focus for the modern acupuncturist.

In this recorded seminar Tsuyoshi Shimamura investigates and demonstrates the diagnostic and prognostic approaches to identifying constitutional weakness in the “Small Abdomen” through palpation (thermal and topological), and unique needling methods performed in this area for addressing the needs of cancer patients to strengthen their constitution at the very core of their existence, to assist in their recovery process, or to help them pass peacefully, and with reduced suffering. Shimamura also covered the unique methods of assessing and strengthening Stomach Qi and using moxibustion to benefit the constitution of the cancer patient at a deep level.

Tsuyoshi Shimamura demonstrated treatments on local volunteer patients from attendees’ clinics (in the three respective cities where the seminars were recorded) that were suffering from Cancer, in early or advanced stages, and effectively taught attendees how constitutional diagnosis/prognosis and treatment should be performed, to achieve outstanding clinical results in this demographic of patients, and in all patients that present with weakness

of the “Small Abdomen.”

Important Notice: The techniques taught in this recorded seminar are not intended to diagnose, cure or treat cancer, but designed to support the bodies (from a Complementary/Alternative Medicine perspective) of those suffering cancer who are undergoing medical treatment. It is recommended that those who believe they may have cancer, consult a medical doctor immediately.


Some words on Cancer by Tsuyoshi Shimamura …

When we hear the word, “cancer”, the immediate association people may feel is that the condition is very grave, with long-suffering – almost like a death sentence, or it may end in a rapid and untimely death. Cancer happens more often in the elderly, and it is the number one cause of death in Japan, and other countries. We are seeing more and more cases of Cancer in our clinics every year. It is not rare to see patients recover from early-detected cancer even though we may think of it as a difficult disorder to overcome.

Cancer is an illness where cells begin to grow uncontrollably. However, cancer cells occur in healthy bodies, daily. With healthy immunity, a body can naturally dispose of unwanted cancer cells through apoptosis. For certain reasons, in some cases, cancerous cells can survive the immune response and can begin to grow and metastasize in the ailing body.

When cancer forms, in some cases it may have taken decades to grow and make an impact, while

in other cases it may arise spontaneously and rapidly. However, within the person’s constitution, it can be ascertained that there is some form of weakness and disharmony in the body –which in some cases may have developed over years- leading eventually to this dysfunctional growth of cells occurring.

Surgeons can operate and cut the tissue in certain cases, or treat it pharmaceutically or with radiation. For too many people, that is not the case. Currently, we have not yet conquered cancer. How can we address Cancer in its early stages? One way is to have regular check-ups with physicians to make sure that the body is in good health. Another way is to be more aware of our own body, so we may know if unusual changes are occurring.

Yes, there are types of cancer that progress without pain and any other apparent symptoms. The majority of Cancers exhibit symptoms such as unusual bleeding, structural changes (palpable lumps), pain, etc. If a person knows their own body well, these symptoms may not remain hidden for long and can be acted upon.

Moreover, cancer may manifest differently based on sex/gender. It is important to note and educate others to be aware of this fact.

You might think that cancer is a modern disease. However, in Huang Di Nei Jing and Jing Gui Yao Lue, there are different names that are similar in description to what we know in modern times as cancer. Those ancient doctors determined the etiology and dealt with those diseases at their time, and successfully treated some of them. When I see those records, I tend to think that there is a truth that I am looking for in my cancer treatment support approach.

Acupuncture’s effectiveness is determined based on how well the practitioner may sense the state of a patients’ body, and address that patients’ body appropriately. It is very hard to obtain consistent evidence from acupuncture treatment. Because of this, in some cases, modern medicine may have a negative view toward acupuncture.

However, we are seeing more and more medical doctors recommending acupuncture after witnessing significant improvement in the health of their patients following acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture does not interfere with allopathic medical treatment. It is an extremely helpful conjunctive and complementary treatment to help reduce the side effects and increase the efficacy of the allopathic medical treatment. It’s my sincere wish that in the not too distant future, everyone can receive acupuncture treatment with approval from the medical profession, and importantly, those patients who are undergoing treatment for cancer…. -Tsuyoshi Shimamura

Which practitioners and students will benefit by accessing these recorded seminars?

These recorded seminars are recommended to all practitioners/students who wish to learn new and clinically relevant techniques to start applying in their clinical practice immediately for outstanding results. No prerequisite studies are required.

The content is highly relevant to modern day practice, as it covers acupuncture and moxibustion strategies used in the support of Cancer treatment, which is relevant in today’s practice. Practitioners who have studied Tsuyoshi Shimamura’s core curriculum or Kiiko Style Acupuncture will find that these recorded seminars will augment their current skillsets, and provide further clinical insights.

Cancer is becoming more prevalent in our society, and in our practices, with more and more patients seeking our care for support during cancer therapy. There are many systems and approaches in Chinese Herbal Medicine for use in support of cancer therapy, but few acupuncture approaches for use in support of cancer therapy are currently being taught.

This recorded seminar will provide you with the means to treat on a deep constitutional level (from a Complementary/

Alternative Medicine perspective) with acupuncture in all cases and stages of cancer, to assist the patient who is undergoing cancer therapy.

Which of the 3 recordings should I purchase access to? Should I purchase access to all 3?

Each of these 3 seminar recordings has similarities and differences, and also follows a common thread in treating patients constitutionally in cancer, focusing on a number of specific areas of diagnosis and treatment. In general, each introductory section to each recorded seminar is similar, as it covers the theoretical concepts that are covered in the whole recorded seminar, however, from that moment on, each recorded seminar is uniquely different, as demonstrations, patients, unique treatment methods peculiar to specific patients, and anecdotes are very much dependent on the demonstrations, presenting patients and the questions from the audience.

If you are not purchasing access to the 3-Pack, which allows access to all 3 Closing the Gate recorded seminars at a discounted rate, and you will be selecting only one of the 3 recordings, then it is our recommendation that you view the unique content/case summary for each recorded seminar below to guide your decision to choose the correct recording to access based on your interests/learning goals:

Brisbane Recording Unique Content/Cases:

  • Constitutional treatments and basic moxa techniques.
  • Melanoma metastasized to Breast + Secondary Melanoma
  • Melanoma Metastasized to Local area and Lung + Lymphoedema.
  • Breast Cancer
  • Brain Tumour
  • Advanced Stage Breast Cancer
  • Melanoma + removal of lymph nodes + varying musculoskeletal pain and Jaw pain + history of Ross River Virus/Fever and Dengue /VirusFever
  • Thyroid Cancer (Papillary Carcinoma)

Melbourne Recording Unique Content/Cases:

  • Constitutional treatments, lower back pain and basic moxa techniques
  • Stage 2 Liver Cancer, secondary to Hepatitis C
  • Ovarian Cancer-metastasized to Liver, Lung & Abdomen
  • Lung Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer with concurrent recurring viral infections

Sydney Recording Unique Content/Cases:

  • Prostate Cancer metastasized to lymph glands and bone (sacrum)
  • Breast Cancer (Stage 1) + Cervical Cancer + Hysterectomy
  • Renal Cell Carcinoma/Tumour in Kidney (Stage 4), metastasized to Vena Cava +Liver + Kidney + Psoas Muscle + Lung + Diaphragm + Right Atrium of Heart
  • Diagnostic Process Segment + Stomach Qi treatment basics
  • Breast Cancer + Mastectomy
  • Prostate Cancer metastasized to surrounding lymph nodes
  • Breast Cancer + Mastectomy (in remission)
  • Breast Cancer + Lumpectomy & Mastectomy and metastasized to surrounding lymph nodes


Nagano-Sensei-222x300 Closing the Gate (Melbourne Recording): Unique Japanese Acupuncture Strategies for Supporting the Treatment of CancerWho was Master Nagano?

In post-war Japan, Master Acupuncturist Kiyoshi Nagano began a remarkable and fruitful investigation. Despite being blind, Nagano memorized classical Chinese medicine literature and developed a unique and ingenious theoretical and clinical approach that incorporated classical concepts and emergent insights from Western medicine. His ideas and methods did not follow an established group, which brought a certain stigma in Japanese acupuncture circles. Being mentally robust, he was proud of his ‘lone wolf’ status. Over the next half a century – using his extraordinary palpation and pulse diagnosis skills as a guide – he crafted ingenious acupuncture protocols for all types of conditions. He also became a mentor to two of the most important Japanese acupuncture teachers of our time: Master Acupuncturist Kiiko Matsumoto and Tsuyoshi Shimamura. Master Nagano passed away in 2003




“Te A Te Hari”  Te-a-Te-Hari-300x225 Closing the Gate (Melbourne Recording): Unique Japanese Acupuncture Strategies for Supporting the Treatment of Cancer

“Pour passion and heart into your hands.”

This unforgettable command is what Master Nagano told me as I started my three-year apprenticeship with him. I always wonder if I am properly executing his command as I needle myself every morning. One of Master Nagano’s patients told me: “Just having a touch of Sensei’s hands makes me feel better. His hands remind me of my mother.” I still remember his warm hands when I first received his handshake. I cannot do the same acupuncture treatment like Master Nagano. But, I feel the calling to pass his command to other fellow colleagues. I would like to bring in the passion as I diagnose patients with my hands. I pour my heart into every needle to help alleviate the suffering. If I can transmit this message via how I show my treatment style through seminars, I feel comfortable naming my style: Te A Te Hari. Te A Te means “laying a hand”, “treatment”, and “appropriate preparation or allowance”. Hari = Needle. I believe that actual treatment can start by touching a patient. Thus, having healing hands is very important to any practitioner. Please join me in a conversation of realizing my master’s words.

Shimamura-Bio-Pic-300x200 Closing the Gate (Melbourne Recording): Unique Japanese Acupuncture Strategies for Supporting the Treatment of CancerTsuyoshi Shimamura, L.Ac. (Japan) 

Tsuyoshi Shimamura obtained licensure as an Acupuncturist and Moxibustionist in Japan in 1995 after completing studies at Meiji Acupuncture and Moxibustion College. Shimamura was fortunate to undertake a live-in apprenticeship with Master Nagano during the final years of Master Nagano’s life, living and working with Master Nagano between 1997 and 2000 as his closest apprentice.

Shimamura not only inherited a vast amount of Nagano’s teachings, techniques, and theories but also gained an important insight into his character. Tsuyoshi Shimamura is a member of the Japan

Acupuncturist Association, and has also published articles and DVDs for Ido-No-Nippon. Since 2006, Shimamura has been teaching seminars on the Acupuncture and diagnostic methods he learned during his time with Master Nagano. Shimamura has also taught a variety of hands-on manual techniques to Shiatsu practitioners, physical therapists, Bone-Setters and cosmetic therapists in Japan.

Mr. Shimamura currently develops what he has learned with Master Nagano personally during their time together, and what he has learned from Master Acupuncturist Kiiko Matsumoto, as in his heart there is no replacement for their teachings, and as a result Mr. Shimamura focuses only on teaching openly and passionately to his students, that which he learned directly from Master Nagano and Kiiko Matsumoto, the most inspirational influences in Shimamura’s life. In recent years, Shimamura has impressed international students with his clarity and depth of understanding, his mindful presence, and his commitment to sharing Master Nagano’s legacy. Tsuyoshi Shimamura runs clinics in Hiroshima and Ooita, Japan, and holds a 1st Degree Black-Belt in Judo.


Seish-253x300 Closing the Gate (Melbourne Recording): Unique Japanese Acupuncture Strategies for Supporting the Treatment of CancerSeishiro Hokazono L.Ac. – Interpreter 

Born and raised in Japan, and now a citizen of the US, Seishiro graduated from the Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and undertook further studies in Meridian-style Acupuncture and Moxibustion with Aizawa Sensei in Tokyo, Japan from 2006-2007. Seishiro then studied modified KSA and Integrated Synergy Therapeutics under Nakano Sensei in 2008 in Las Cruces, New Mexico. From 2008 onwards Seishiro developed very sound knowledge and skills in Kiiko Style Acupuncture. Due to his exceptional linguistic skills in Japanese and English and experience with interpreting specific to acupuncture, Seishiro has been selected by Qiology as interpreter to Mr. Shimamura, to assist English speaking students in learning Master Nagano’s Acupuncture techniques, diagnosis and theory through Mr. Shimamura. Seishiro is in full-time practice in Albany, Oregon, and also holds a 1st Degree Black-Belt in Judo.




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CPD points are approved/pre-approved by AACMA | Acupuncture NZ | NZASA

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